How to Get Started in Forex trading even profit from forex trading as soon ???
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Various companies and dealers offering services on the Forex market use various trading platforms (systems), but the most popular is the MetaTrader program. (Other trading systems may differ not only in the interface but also in their ideology, terminology, etc.) Therefore, any actions regarding deals on the Forex market place will be evaluated through examples fromMetaTrader. The program has a multilingual interface. When first launching the program, it will ask you to register a new trading account. Every dealer has its own particular registration, so answers to potential questions which may arise during registration can be found on your dealer’s web site. The MetaTrader trading system has a simple, standardized interface.
You can easily set it up on your own. The main thing to learn is how to open and close positions, also known as “orders”.
The major part of the window is taken up by the price chart. You may switch between different charts by choosing the necessary currency or the chart type. To open a position, either click “New Order” or the F9 key on the keyboard. A dialogue window will open in which you can enter the deal’s parameters.

The “Symbol” parameter lets you choose the currency pair for the position you are opening.
Let’s review the “Amount” parameter in greater detail. The amount of the deal is set in lots. Usually 1 lot is 100,000 units of one of the currencies, although this may differ from one dealer to another. When making a deal we indicate how many lots of currency we want to buy or sell. For example, if you set 1, it means that you make a deal in 100,000 currency units. For Euros at the rate of, say, 1.3100 and the leverage of 1:100 to make a deal you need 100,000:100 * 1.3100 = 1,310 US dollars.
Choose the type of order – “Immediate Execution”. Buttons «Sell» and «Buy» in MetaTrader open short and long positions accordingly. Click one of these buttons, wait a few seconds, and that’s it. The deal has been made.
Once the rate enters into a profitable area, the position may be closed. In order to close it, right click on the line with the order information and choose “Close Order” in the dropdown menu. The same window will open as before, but the button “Close” will be accessible. Click it, wait a few seconds, and the order is closed. In the line below the chart you will see the status of the account.
It is highly recommended to open a virtual account and to practice with these purely technical procedures to better understand how positions are opened and closed. This is the essence of trading on the international currency marketplace.
Binary options are relatively new and highly profitable financial instruments.
Binary option is the right (option or opportunity) to buy or sell an asset at a previously agreed price within a specified period. The option buyer is aware of the fact that there are only two possible outcomes. It should be noted that an option it is a financial instrument that involves the purchase or sale of real assets.
Dynamic and high yield operations are achieved due to short time periods of transactions.
The expiration period in binary options trading can be short or long – from 60 seconds to days, weeks or months. By the end of the expiration period the closing price will determine a profit or loss.
The possibility of obtaining large profits in a short period of time is one of the main advantages of binary option trading. This financial instrument is definitely one of the most profitable in exchange trading.
Another advantage of a binary trading is the small amount of the initial deposit.
It should also be stated that the binary options trading is speculative and involves a high degree of risk. In other words, the profits and losses can be significant. This factor should be taken into account when decisions about options trading are being made.
Certainly, having the necessary knowledge, anyone can make money in binary options trading.

The following table shows the last gold prices in the UK are calculated in pounds sterling (GBP)

Unit Gold Gold prices in pounds sterling (GBP) gold prices in dollar (USD)
An ounce of gold 745.95 1,191.06
Gram 24 carat gold 23.99 38.30
Gram 22 carat gold 21.99 35.10
Gram 21 carat gold 20.98 33.50
Gram 18 carat gold 17.98 28.71
Gram 14 carat gold 14.00 22.35
Gram 12 carat gold 11.99 19.15
Gram gold carat 18 9.99 15.96 * 24 s = carat gold 24.22 s = carat gold 22.21 s = carat gold 21.18 s = carat gold 18.14 s = carat gold 14.12 s = carat gold 12.10 s = carat gold 10.
Hey guys, I haven’t had much of a chance to update the blog recently. I have been working hard with the Super VIP guys and it has been taking up a lot of my time. Over the last two weeks I started noting down some of the most common questions newbies in the Super VIP group have asked me. These questions are probably familiar to you:
  • How long do you think it will take to grow my account from $1,000 to $50,000?
  • How long before I can quit my job?
  • How long until I can make $20,000?
You probably notice a theme to all these questions:; money. Let’s face it the vast majority of people are attracted to Forex for the money. Forex can make you money. It can make you a lot of money, but it will not happen fast.

Reality Check

I am sure you already know that Forex is not a get rich quick scheme. Many people out there spout that line. However, what many people won’t tell you Forex trading is a career. And as with any career it can take a long time to master Forex. So, if you are considering Forex you need to ask yourself two simple questions:
  • Do I have the passion needed to take on a new career and become successful?
  • Do I have the patience needed to get through the bumps in the road to succeed?
If your answer is no to either of these questions perhaps Forex isn’t for you.

Getting Rich Slow

I have been trading for nine years now and I have yet to meet anybody who has gotten rich fast in Forex. I am not saying that it is impossible. What I am saying is that the vast majority of successful traders get rich slowly. Becoming a successful Forex trader breaks down into five steps:
  • Learning the basics
  • Planing & Preparing (write a proper trading plan and money management plan)
  • Developing a trading method
    • Testing your trading method
    • Tweaking your trading method
  • Nailing down your trading psychology.
  • Getting rich!
Most new traders want to jump from step one to step five in the space of a few months. Realistically, you will have to go through each step to succeed and it will take you some time. So I am sorry to be the one to tell you this but Forex is very much a get rich slowly game. Some good news though is that Forex4Noobs provides a free video course that will guide you through step two “Plan & Prepare”. Forex4Noobs also has a fun and interactive forex education section that will help you with step one “learn the basics”.

So Why Bother?

Well the fact is that most people do not get rich quick in any career or business. So giving up on Forex because it will take you time to achieve success is silly. I personally feel that the best thing about Forex is the freedom it provides. Unlike most careers, once you become consistently profitable in Forex you can scale back your chart time.
Over the past two months, I set up a stop watch and timed the total amount of time I spend trading per week. I found that on average I spend six hours per week trading. Compare that against the 8-12 hour work day most people are forced to do these days. Forex is the obvious winner.
Forex certainly does have a lot of benefits and it can turn your life around. However, please do not fall into the trap of thinking that you will be rich within six months.
This is not some self-help rubbish list that is meant to inspire. This is a down and dirty, harsh and truthful list.

12 Essential Forex Tips

1. Learn the Basics

Yes this is a simple one but it has to be said. A man in my position has the pleasure of talking to scores of newbie traders on a daily basis. If there is one thing I have learned it’s that most newbies forego the basic training and jump straight into the warzone. This is of course a fatal error, on their part, so if you’re a newbie LEARN THE DAMN BASICS!
How do you learn the basics?
Check our our Forex Education section.

2. You Won’t Get Rich Quick, Experience Makes You Rich

If you’re here to get rich quick you’re just a clueless tourist. Don’t be naive. Trading is all about experience. As is the case with any career, the longer you do it the more efficient you become. I am often asked “Nick, how did you make ninety pips when I only made seventy pips on the same trade?” It is all about experience. I have been trading for eight years so I am an efficient trader. I see things that newbie’s don’t because I have the experience.
The journey to becoming a trader is a long one so be prepared to stick it out for one to three years before you’re consistently profitable. Forex is a long road but it is well worth the journey.
Always remember, Forex is a career not a get rich quick scheme.

3. Experts Are a Joke

Listening to expert opinions is great right? Of course it is!
The problem with financial markets is that every newbie who’s had a good week thinks they are an expert. The other, more pathetic, type of expert is the 30-60 year old guy/girl, in a suit, who claims to be a professional trader yet begs you to buy their book. These people are usually failed traders who make money teaching other traders how to fail. Self-proclaimed experts tend to:
  1. Regurgitate generic old information that just doesn’t work.
  2. Say they’re rich full time traders yet try to sell you books.
  3. Make outrageous claims like they turned $1k into $1mil in a month or some such rubbish.
  4. Try to prove they are profitable traders by posting pics of photoshopped account statements.
  5. Cleverly use maths to make themselves appear more successful than they are e.g. double counting wins and single counting losses.
So most ‘trading experts’ are a joke. Take what they say with a pinch of salt.

4. Do Your Own Analysis

Continuing from the last tip, blindly following others will make you blind. Your goal should be to become a successful trader, not a pigeon following others around for scraps of information.
As a trader you need to pick a method and learn to analyse the market. Being able to do your own analysis will bring you closer to being a pro trader. Doing your own analysis allows you to:
  1. Be self reliant.
  2. Actually learn to trade.
If you choose to blindly follow some self-proclaimed guru all you are is a pigeon. How will you make the money when the guru stops giving tips or the tips stop working? Will you even understand why they worked in the first place and why they no longer work?
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5. The Demo Myth

If I wanted to be a professional boxer then I would go out and buy a boxing game for my PlayStation 3 and start my boxing training. Would that make any sense?? Well it makes just as much sense as trading demos in the hopes of becoming a successful Forex trader.
Demo trading for 3 months does not work for 2 reasons:-
  1. Demos give new traders false confidence and cause them to learn bad habits.
  2. Demo account performance is often superior to a brokers live account performance. This includes execution speed, stop hunting, and several other factors.
The best solution is to use a demo to learn the basics and test out, or find, a trading method. When it comes to actually trading you should only trade a live account. These days you can open an account with pocket change ($10) so there are no reasons not to trade live.
Oh and if you cannot afford to lose $10 you should not be trading anyway….

6. Kill Losing Streaks Early

This is by far the most important rule I have ever put to action in my own trading. Had I not stringently stuck to this rule I truly believe I would not be a successful trader today.
If you lose 3 trades in a row STEP AWAY from your charts. Take a few days off trading and come back with a clear head. Losing streaks are very dangerous and falling into one can lead to very big losses.
I cannot stress this tip enough.

7. Following the Pack

Have you heard that 90% of new traders fail? Like most statistics that one is probably bull. However it is fair to say that the majority of newbie’s coming into this market fail.
I believe the secret is to break away from the pack and do your own thing. That doesn’t mean you should segregate yourself from the trading community. It just means you should rely on yourself. Get enough knowledge/experience to be independent and not simply a follower.
Think about this one logically:
  1. The vast majority of new traders fail.
  2. If I follow the majority I become part of the majority.
  3. If I am part of the majority I am likely to fail with them.
Become independent DO NOT remain a follower.

8. Stick to Your Method

Every trading method has its ups and downs. No trading system, method or style will be 100% profitable, all year round. My method, for example, has on average an 80% success rate. Some periods of the year I will win only 6 in 10 trades (60%). Other periods in the year I win 100% of trades for a month or two.
I know each year, I will have some bad periods in which case I lose more trades than normal. I do not lose faith though. I stick it out and keep on trading. The problem with most newbie’s is they will give up on a method after its first bad week.
Don’t abandon your method when times are tough.

9. Keep It Simple

This is an easy one. Keep it simple!
There is no reason to complicate trading. For example, my trading method is extremely simple yet extremely effective. I spend 2-5 hours per week trading and the rest of the week enjoying life.
Your method does not have to be incredibly complex to work. Keeping it simple will allows you to:
  1. Work much more efficiently
  2. Work less
  3. Speed up your learning (KISS)
If you remember nothing else from this article, remember this…..
Keep it simple!

10. Trade Only One Pair

The key to making that transition from newbie to pro is keeping your trading simple.
One of the easiest ways to keep trading simple is to trade only a single currency pair at a time. This is so damn obvious I am surprised more people do not do it. Trading one pair helps because it allows you to concentrate all your efforts on learning that pair, therefore allowing you to understand how it moves.
If you try and trade 5 pairs at the same time, learning to trade becomes much harder. You will have to learn the unique characteristics of all those different pairs and each pair is unique. Each currency pair:
  1. Reacts differently to news.
  2. Moves at different rates, some fast some slow.
  3. Moves more rapidly at different times of the day.
  4. Has to be managed differently when holding an open position.
As a newbie, jumping into the deep end with multiple pairs adds a lot more stress and slows the learning process.
So start off with a single pair. Once you’re profitable you can add as many pairs as you think you can handle.

11. Trade Only One Time frame

As above, picking a single time frame keeps things simple.
Looking at a single time frame has several benefits:
  1. Allows you to concentrate on learning one time frame, therefore removing a lot of the confusion that comes with learning multiple time frames.
  2. Gives you less charts to look at and allows you to concentrate more energy on analysing a single chart, therefore improving efficiency and the quality of your analysis.
  3. Stops you from overanalysing your pair. Looking at too many time frames can give you conflicting signals.
  4. It just makes your life easier.
Remember it’s all about keeping it simple. If you have a single timeframe and a single pair it means you’re looking at a single chart. As a newbie you do not want to juggle multiple charts. Stick with one chart, until you become consistently profitable.

12. Clean Charts

Most newbies pile as many indicators as possible onto a chart, when they first start trading. Indicators help with your trading (apparently) so the more the better, right? Wrong!
As traders gain more experience they start figuring out that less is more. The more indicators you have on your chart the more confusion you will have. Every extra indicator:-
  1. Adds to the clutter making your charts harder to read.
  2. Gives you more to think about therefore clouding your judgment.
  3. Increases the possibility of giving you conflicting signals.
  4. Looks pretty damn ugly…
Indicators are not essential. I personally trade with no indicators and have an 80% success rate. I am not saying you need to remove all indicators but limit it to a max of 2 at a time on your chart.
I trade with no indicators, simply a few support and resistance lines and candlestick patterns.
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Meet Jack:
Jack is a professional trader. He makes all his money trading the Forex market. He has been trading for five years. He is patient, disciplined and, in his trading, he is fearless.
Meet Tom: 
Tom is a newbie. He barely manages to break-even with his trading. He has been trading for six months. Tom takes unnecessary risks as he is undisciplined, and he panics when he takes a trade.
Let’s imagine we have a super profitable system. On paper, traded mechanically, this system has an average of seven wins from ten trades. Now, let’s imagine we give both Jack and Tom this method and they trade it.
What do you think will happen?
Jack will take the system, take the trades, and make a lot of pips. In fact, Jack will probably improve the efficiency of the system and bump it up to eight winners out of ten.
Tom will take the system, take the trades, and pretty much screw it all up. As I said, trading it mechanically will give Tom an average of seven out of ten winners. However, Tom will be lucky to get five out of ten winners.
Why does it work this way?
It all comes down to two things; psychology and experience.
There isn’t much you can do about experience. However, as I mentioned in my last article, you can do something about psychology. So let’s take a look at some of the dangerous psychological pitfalls. Hopefully, after reading this, you will be able to see them coming and stop them, before they destroy your account.

4 Psychological Pitfalls

1. The Desire to be Rich

The desire to be rich manifests itself in many ways. The main ways are fear and greed and they inevitably lead to other problems. If you think about it the majority of the issues newbie’s have stem from the desire to be rich. Things such as:
  1. Over trading
  2. Poor money management by risking too much
Forex will not make you rich in the short term. It will likely take years before you’re trading well enough to leave your day job. Forex is a career and in the long run, if you’re successful, it can give you a very relaxed life. However, if you started trading last week and you plan to quit your job in six months, because you anticipate being rich enough to buy a Ferrari, you are delusional.
This is a career, not a get rich quick scheme. If you want to be rich quick hit the casinos. You have a better chance of winning there.

2. Fear of Losing

From a young age, we are taught that money is important. That without money you have no real value. We are conditioned into believing, that to be successful when we grow up, we must have lots of money. This in turn causes people to be afraid of losing money. This is because the reverse is also true. If you lost money then you are a failure as it is the opposite of making money. This in turn leads to some newbie traders being afraid to pull the trigger and actually taking a trade.
Some newbie’s trade demo accounts for two years, never summoning the courage to open a live account. Some newbie traders with live accounts panic whenever they enter a trade and, in turn, make rash decisions.
Take a look at people like Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Alan Sugar and Warren Buffet. These guys are all billionaires (or close enough to it) and each of them has failed many times. Richard Branson has spearheaded many failed ventures. Did those failures set him back though? Hell no! The man is going to start flying people to space at $200k per head, next year, with Virgin Galactic.
I think losing some money to the markets is actually beneficial. It teaches you some very important lessons. What is damaging is the fear of losing money. The fact that you think about it puts you at much greater risk of it actually happening. You have to trade with a positive attitude. So get rid of those fears and worries, they will not do you any good.
The truth is you are going to lose money to the markets, it’s unavoidable. Every professional trader has lost money. Not every trade will be profitable. The market simply doesn’t always work in your favour, and there are times, especially as a newbie, that you will be stung. If you end up blowing your first live account… so be it. As long as you pick yourself up and try again, you will be a better trader for it. I blew two accounts before I started trading profitably.

3. The Need to be Right

This is a good one. Tom opens his platform and enters a dumb, baseless, long trade. He targets 100 pips and has a 50 pip stop loss. The trade goes against him immediately.
It goes down, first ten pips, then twenty pips, and then thirty pips. When it reaches fourty pips, Tom decides he doesn’t want to lose another trade and moves his stoploss down.
The price keeps falling and Tom continues to move his stop.
Eventually Tom closes out his trade and he has lost a huge portion of his account.
Tom was not able to accept that he has taken a losing trade. He kept pushing the stop down in the hope that it would eventually turn around. The need to be right is an account killer.

4. Being Undisciplined

I saved this one for last because, even though it is one of the most common and dangerous pitfalls, it is rarely discussed. A trader who lacks discipline can never make it in this business. Many traders are guilty of lacking discipline for many different reasons.
The main culprits are what I like to call ‘System Jumpers’. These are traders that are constantly tweaking and changing their trading methods. These traders do not realize that learning to trade a system efficiently takes time.
System Jumpers are traders who lack the discipline to stick to, and learn how to trade, a system. They try it for a week and when it doesn’t work they jump to the next system or method.
Another common action of an undisciplined trader is abandoning a perfectly good trading method. Every trading method has periods in which it performs below average. My trading method averages 80% winning trades however some months it drops down to 60%. This is because market conditions change. No matter how versatile a method is it cannot perform, at peak efficiency in all market conditions. A true trader has the discipline to stick it out through the hard times.

All Candles are Born Neutral

You might be thinking ‘What the heck is that? Why is there a picture of a line?’ Well that’s not just a line it is a newborn baby candle. Isn’t it cute? That line up there is a neutral candle. It is a brand new candle that has yet to move a single pip in either direction.
Candles are always born neutral. After birth they can grow to become either bearish, bullish or on rare occasions neither. When a candle is born traders do not know what it will become. They can speculate but they do not truly know what a candle is until it dies (closes).
After a candle is born the battle begins. The bulls and the bears fight it out and the candle displays to us who is winning. If there are more buyers in the market you will see the candle move up and form a bullish candle. If there are more sellers you will see the candle move down and become a bearish candle. You may be thinking this is all very obvious but think about it for a second. That little candle is an indicator that tells you who is currently winning the battle, the bulls or the bears. Don’t you find that amazing?

Bullish Candles

candle picture
A bullish candle is what traders call any candle that has a bullish body. So after the baby candle grows up and dies (closes) if it dies with a bullish body, it is a bullish candle. If it has a strong bullish body it is a strong bullish candle. If it has a small bullish body it is a weak bullish candle. Simple, right? But think about it. The candle does not only tell you the price it tells you the bulls are winning and they have power. There are more buyers than sellers!
This is critical information in this market. If your system tells you to go short but the candle is clearly bullish, it might be a good idea to hold off on the short. Why would anybody go short when there are more buyers in the market?

Bearish Candles

candle picture
A bearish candle is any candle that has a bearish body. So what does the bearish candle tell you? It tells you there are more sellers in the market than there are buyers. It tells youus that the sellers are currently in control, so a long position would not be a great idea.


Besides displaying a candles highs and lows, wicks offer an abundance of information.
Remember the battle between the bulls and the bears? Well it’s time to learn what it’s all about in relation to wicks.
candle picture
If a strong Bullish candle suggests that the bulls are in control of the market, what does a bearish candle with a large upper wick and a small bearish body suggest?
Small lower wick, small bearish body and larger upper wick: This candle suggests that at some point while this candle was open the bulls tried to push the price up. This is what the long upper wick tells us. However, before this candle closed the bears took over and pushed the price back down. This is shown by the bearish body close.
Large lower wick, small bullish body and small upper wick: This candle suggests that at some point while this candle was open the bears tried to push the price down. This is what the long lower wick tells us. However, before this candle closed the bulls took over and pushed the price back up. This is shown by the bullish body close.
These are just some of the very basic concepts of candle trading. In the next section, you will learn why this information is useful.

What You’ve Learned About Reading Candles so Far

A Bullish Candle Means: There is currently more buying pressure in the market. As long as buyers maintain enough buying pressure the candles will be bullish. If buying pressure eases and selling pressure increases bullish candles will become smaller, representing decreased bull strength.
Bearish Candle: There is currently more selling pressure in the market. As long as sellers maintain enough selling pressure the candles will be bearish. If selling pressure eases and buying pressure increases, bearish candles will become smaller, representing decreased bear strength.
Wicks: Wicks show the highs and lows but in certain cases reading them reveals some very useful information.
Imagine a small losing streak of just 5 trades risking 3% on each; it would cost you a massive 13% of your account. Think about that for a second, 13% of your account wiped out by just a handful of bad trades…… if you’re a trader the very thought of that should send shivers down your spine.
So, if you have a bad run you could easily end up decimating your account, after just a few trades.
Let’s also remember math is pretty logical but we as human beings are pretty emotional. With math we can say that each trade had a risk of 3%. In real life though, most newbie’s after a few losses would make the mistake of trading out of anger. 3% risk becomes 5% and before they know it what started off as a little losing streak becomes a margin call.

There Is a Way Round Losing Streaks

It is just so simple, if you lose 3 trades in a row close down your platform and take a few days off trading. This allows you to:
  1. Kill the Losing Streak – Losing streaks always start off small, you may make a little mistake in your analysis, which leads to a bad trade. Maybe out of anger, you take another bad trade and from there on out the losing streak takes on a life of its own. Instead of letting a pebble become a boulder, it’s best to cut losing streaks short. If you make a conscious decision to shut down the charts you will cut off all chances of trading out of anger, and making costly mistakes.
  2. Take a Break and Clear Your Head – I believe most losing streaks are caused by chart overload. After a few months of constantly staring at charts you could start to lose it. So instead of making mistakes take a short break and come back to your charts with a refreshed mind.
  3. Preserve Your Capital – Do I need to explain this one? It stops you from losing your hard earned money by taking dumb revenge trades and making stupid mistakes.

How This Rule Has Helped Me

When I was a newbie I blew two accounts due to losing streaks. On my third (and final, if I blew it) account I started using this rule and my account just kept on growing. There have been several times over the past few years where I lost three trades in a row and took a few days off. Any one of those times, if I had kept pushing it I could have thrown it all away.
If it wasn’t due to stringently following this rule I would not be a trader today. I would have squandered away my capital and right now I would be a 9am to 5pm pen salesman.
This is something you should seriously consider adopting into your trading.
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